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You're viewing Star Fox 64 Cheat Codes

Game Name : Star Fox 64
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2007-10-17 13:11:17
Views : 19745

Disable the Crosshair
When the game is paused, press the R trigger to turn off the crosshairs.

You can view two different pieces of artwork for beating Venom on expert mode. The artwork you see depends whether you beat Venom on the easy path or hard.

To unlock a medal in each level you will need to keep each of your wingmen alive and destroy a set amount of enemies in each level.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Medal in AquasDestroy 150
Medal in Area 6Destroy 300
Medal in BolseDestroy 150
Medal in CorneriaDestroy 150
Medal in FortunaDestroy 50
Medal in KatinaDestroy 150
Medal in MacbethDestroy 150
Medal in MeteoDestroy 200
Medal in Sector XDestroy 150
Medal in Sector YDestroy 150
Medal in Sector ZDestroy 100
Medal in SolarDestroy 100
Medal in Venom 1 or 2Destroy 200
Medal in ZonesDestroy 250
Titania Medal150 enemies down

Special Level Conditions
In order to reach certain levels, you must complete a few tasks in various levels.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
AquasMore than 100 points in Sector Y
Area 6Destroy all the missiles at Sector Z
Area 6Turn all the switches on Macbeth
KatinaUse the warp at Meteo
Sector XDon't defeat the boss at Katina
Sector YFly through all the rock arches, then follow Falco through the waterfall, then defeat the boss
Sector ZWarp at Sector X
SolarDefeat the boss at Katina

Sound Test
You can listen to the sound effects of the game under the main menu after unlocking expert mode.

Expert Training/Versus
If you change the setting for the main game to ''Expert'', then go to either Versus or Training modes, you will be using Expert rules (wings fall off after crashing once, etc.)

Play on foot
To play on foot in multi-player mode you must earn a medal in venom on expert mode.

Fight Wolfen in training mode
Destroy 100 enemies.

Play as a tank
To play as a tank in multi-player mode you must earn a medal in venom.

Expert Mode
To unlock expert mode you need to earn all 15 medals in the game.

New Title Screen
Earn all 15 medals in EXPERT mode for a different title screen.

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